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Hey my name is Caleif and I'm from Philadelphia. I like to do a lot of different activities such as working out, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. Blogging is something new for me so I'm trying to get used to it. Feel free to check out my blog when you have a chance. Hopefully you'll find it interesting.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Health and Human Services Launches Contest for Twitter App

The Department of Health and Human Services has launched a developer’s challenge to create a public health application that takes Twitter data for a specific geographic area and counts the frequency of common illness-related terms to come up with a list of top five trending illnesses for the past 24 hours.
The top-five list would be automatically delivered daily to public health practitioners at health departments via a Web-based widget. This information can then be used by the health departments to build a baseline of trend data, engage the public on trending health topics, serve as an indicator of potential health issues emerging in the population, or cross-reference other data sources. Social media trends can be powerful indicators of community health issues. However, current Web-based apps look backward, collating social media data to show how trends developed. Based on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic experience, local health officials asked for help in developing a Web-based tool that could make social media monitoring useful as part of the surveillance systems in place now to identify new diseases early. With early identification, health officials can respond quickly, including advising people how to protect their health and minimize the spread of the disease. Minimizing the spread of disease could help the community bounce back quickly from an outbreak or a public health emergency or potentially prevent a public health emergency, such as a pandemic from occurring. Winners will be notified in August, and the grand prize is $21,000.

References: http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/hhs-launches-contest-twitter-app

Friday, March 9, 2012


My Blog is all about what's new with IT in the Healthcare field. IT investments by healthcare providers is ultimately intended to enhance patient care. But enhancing patient care is a broad idea. The best way to define it in practical terms is to explain how the Healthcare Industry can achieve higher quality patient care through the use technology, such as “healthcare IT.”As a next step in the process of improving patient care, many healthcare providers are embracing and adopting healthcare IT technologies that focus on delivering Electronic Health Records (EHRs). To achieve the benefits of the ERH system, organizations must overcome two obstacles. First, they must deal with the challenges of reconciling, aggregating, and summarizing patient clinical information captured in a multitude healthcare systems. Second, they must make the aggregated patient clinical data accessible to clinicians and patients receiving care.